15 Linux Basic Commands

Hello all, Linux is becoming more popular today. One reason is the ease of running the command from graphics mode, as usual you meet in Microsoft Windows. However, there is one part that remains can not be separated from Linux. Command Line Interface, so through this post I will share some basic Linux commands.
  1. man -> One of the most important commands. This command displays help or the system manual pages on a command
  2. cd -> This command is also commonly used by Windows users. Few options can be used with this command:
    cd /directory - brings you to a specific directory
    cd .. - brings you back a step (directory above your current directory) in your current directory path
    cd - this command brings you to your home directory
  3. pwd -> This command is used to shows your current working directory. It stands for 'print working directory'
  4. ls -> Used to shows the current contents of a directory. Common syntax includes ls -al. The -l lists files in long format and -a shows files that begin with a "." or hidden files. It stands for 'list'
  5. mkdir -> Like the "CD", this command also can be used in Windows environment. Used to make a new directory
  6. find -> Used to find a filename on the file system.
    Common syntax includes: find / -name "filename" -print
    This will search for a file named "filename" starting at the root partition and displays the results
  7. rm -> In Windows, it's like "rmdir" command. Used to delete files or directories from the system
  8. touch -> Used to set file access and modification times. If a file does not exist touch can be used to create it
  9. chmod -> Used to change permissions on a file or directory. The permissions available are Read, Write, & Execute (4, 2, 1)
  10. chown -> It stands for 'change ownership'. Used to change the ownership of a file
  11. chgrp -> Stands for 'change group'. Used to change the group ownership or access to a file
  12. clear -> It's similar to "cls" command in Windows platform. Used to clear the screen
  13. tail -> This command is used to show the end of a file's contents. With the -f option you can see the last entries getting written currently to a file
  14. more -> Used to displayed output of a file on screen one page at a time
  15. ps -> Used to show process status on the system. -ef option shows a list full list of every process running on the system

That's all 15 basic commands in Linux which every user should know whether he was an expert or not. Hope it useful. Source: Helium.

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